Session 7 |
| The Weather Damage Modification Program |
| Organizer: Andrew Detwiler, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD
| 1:30 PM | 7.1 | The Weather Damage Modification Program Steven M. Hunter, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO; and J. Medina and D. A. Matthews |
| 1:45 PM | 7.2 | Preliminary Results from a Randomized Winter Propane Seeding Experiment in Utah James A. Heimbach Jr., UNCA, Springvale, ME; and A. B. Super |
| 2:00 PM | 7.3 | An Overview of Results from the Nevada Weather Damage Modification Program Arlen W. Huggins, DRI, Reno, NV; and D. Koracin, D. P. Boyle, and M. Xiao |
| 2:15 PM | 7.4 | North Dakota Research Foci under the Weather Damage Modification Program  Darin W. Langerud, North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, Bismarck, ND; and C. A. Grainger, P. Kucera, E. Wise, A. Detwiler, R. D. Farley, F. J. Kopp, M. R. Hjelmfelt, P. L. Smith, and P. W. Mielke |
| 2:30 PM | | Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
| 4:00 PM | 7.5 | Numerical Simulations of Snowpack Augmentation for Drought Mitigation Studies in the Colorado Rocky Mountains Curtis L. Hartzell, Project Consultant for the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Denver, CO; and J. Busto, W. R. Cotton, R. McAnelly, G. Carrió, and L. Hjermstad |
| 4:15 PM | 7.6 | Overview of Research and Field Observation Activities in Texas and Oklahoma Kenneth Howard, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and N. Kuhnert |
| 4:30 PM | 7.7 | The Southern Plains Experiment in Cloud seeding of Thunderstorms for Rain Augmentation (SPECTRA) Project: The Study and Validation of Rain-Enhancement Strategies for the Mitigation of Drought in the Southern U. S. Great Plains Region Duncan Axisa, SOAR program, Plains, TX; and G. Bomar and W. L. Woodley |
| 4:45 PM | 7.8 | Weather Modification operations with NEXRAD level-II data and products  J. T. Johnson, Weather Decision Technologies, Norman, OK; and C. Barrere, M. D. Eilts, N. Kuhnert, M. Mathis, and D. Axisa |