Due to increased resolution, the land-sea distribution over the maritime continent is now well represented. Being different from low-resolution model results, a clear difference in precipitation change is found between land and ocean in the maritime continent area. An overall downward motion dominates in the maritime continent area associated with El-Nino like SST anomalies given by the coupled model. Oceanic area in the maritime continent region except for 5S-10N shows a decrease in precipitation by global warming, which is consistent with large-scale circulation anomalies, while nearby land area shows an increase in precipitation. There is also a change in diurnal cycle of precipitation over the two regions: over the ocean nighttime precipitation decreases and daytime precipitation increases, while over land nighttime precipitation increases and daytime precipitation decreases. These different characteristics in precipitation change between the ocean and land appraises a use of super-high resolution model for regional assessment of climate change.
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