85th AMS Annual Meeting

Thursday, 13 January 2005: 2:31 PM
The GEWEX Global Land Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) � Recent Results and Future Plans
Paul A. Dirmeyer, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Calverton, MD
GLASS is the element of the GEWEX Modeling and Prediction Panel (GMPP) concerned with simulation of the terrestrial state variables and fluxes using land surface schemes (LSSs) and the interactions between land and atmosphere. GLASS is composed of four actions that constitute a two-by-two matrix; one axis being coupled (land-atmosphere) versus offline (land-only) modeling, and the other being local (point, plot and catchment scale) versus large-scale (continental to global) modeling. A panel of representatives of these four actions meets annually in the July-September time frame to review recent results and plan for future efforts. This presentation will provide an update on GLASS to the general scientific community. A brief summary of recent scientific highlights from the global-coupled (Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment; GLACE), global-offline (Global Soil Wetness Project; GSWP) and local-offline (Project to Intercompare Land-surface Parameterization Schemes; PILPS) actions will be presented. In addition, an outline of future plans for GLASS actions, as well as interactions with GEWEX, WCRP and other scientific programs, will be described.

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