The above dataset was used to study the interannual variability of SRB parameters associated with regional/global phenomena, such as the El Nino/La Nina episodes which occurred during the period of this dataset and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The variability was examined in terms of surface flux anomalies derived from the primary algorithm products using time series and EOF/CCA analysis. Corresponding TOA flux and atmospheric forcing anomalies were derived using satellite measurements from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) and also using primary algorithm products. Surface, TOA, and atmospheric flux anomalies over Tropical Pacific Ocean showed strong correlations with each other for all El Nino/La Nina episodes. We now expand the analysis to show the correlation of these processes with anomalies at larger spatial scales. A similar analysis is shown for the N. American and Euro-Asian regions from the NAO. These variabilities are related to time series anomalies from solar radiation measurements from the World Radiation Data Center at the surface during the period. Thus, the analysis will be used to explore the relationships between anomalies at points and regions owing to the episodic processes identified above. Also, surface flux anomalies associated with Mt. Pinatubo eruption were found to be significant over tropical regions and correlated well with corresponding TOA flux anomalies. The strong correspondence between surface and TOA anomalies, especially when the latter were derived from independent satellite measurements, greatly enhances the credibility of this dataset.
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