New technique for cloud model controlled precipitation retrieval: Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database (CDRD) data mining applications at global and regional scales

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Recently, we have proposed that retrieval could be improved by including additional information in the CRD about the dynamical and thermodynamical state of the atmosphere at the time and location that the microphysical profile was produced. Microwave observations together with independent assessment of the atmospheric state from model predictions or other observation systems could then be used to more precisely select relevant profiles from the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database (CDRD).
In this paper, we discuss the concept of the CDRD design along with implementation of this system for precipitation retrieval. Also, the concept of data mining is introduced as a means to effectively retrieve subsets of useful information for a global database containing thousands of microphysical profiles. Data mining techniques are implemented on a global and regional scale. The variance of microphysical profiles is examined as the number of dynamical and thermodynamical tags increases for a particular retrieval.