Introducing Online Meteorology at New Mexico Junior College

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Sunday, 29 January 2006
Introducing Online Meteorology at New Mexico Junior College
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Roene Neu, New Mexico Junior College, Hobbs, NM; and K. Holladay

As a means to continue to serve our online community, New Mexico Junior College (NMJC) has partned with the American Meteorology Society to provide an online introductory meteorology course.

NMJC is a rural community college in SE New Mexico. It is a Hispanic serving institution with an enrollment of about 2700 students.

This course will be introduced in the spring 2006 semester starting in January.

At NMJC, new courses have to be designed and approved by our Curriculum Committee so that they meet our academic standards. Once this approval occured, then the Professor had the task of actually creating the online course curriculum. NMJC uses WebCT as our online delivery system for all online courses.

This online weather course will introduce students to the study of the science of atmosphere by following weather as it happens in real time via the Internet.

The purpose of this poster is to introduce our (NMJC's) approach to teaching this course fully online.