The role of the atmospheric circulation in very extensive summer sea ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica in 2003
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The paper uses high quality ice concentration and ice motion fields derived from satellite data and wind data from the ERA-40 reanalyses to quantify the impact of the atmospheric circulation on the 2003 summer ice extent. Key findings are that widespread southward ice drift leading to extensive ice compaction preceded the development of positive ice extent anomalies in the 2002 spring, the areas of most anomalous ice motion coincided with the most anomalous atmospheric circulation, and very early new ice formation in the late summer was related to much reduced ocean thermal warming in late spring and summer caused by the persistence of the ice cover from the preceding spring. These results and a comparison to another summer of extensive ice without a large iceberg will be used to argue that the large iceberg was not the cause of the severe ice conditions but did worsen them.