The NWS outreach program for teachers and students, a new business model

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 9:30 AM
The NWS outreach program for teachers and students, a new business model
A402 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Ron Gird, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD

The Outreach Program of the National Weather Service, (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) supports the environmental literacy strategic goals of NOAA and provides severe weather awareness and preparedness material to teachers and students nation wide. Traditionally this information was provided in the form of publications, posters, hand-outs and school visits. These methods can be both costly and inefficient. New information technologies can make the NWS information to teachers and students more cost-effective and improve the effectiveness of our basic messages. The NWS is investigating a more balanced approach for providing information, using CD/DVD's and internet sites coupled with user friendly Kiosks. The Xtreme Weather Interactive CD Project, the Tsunami Education CD and the JetStream web site will help illustrate the new NWS education business model. The new business model will include partnerships with Museums like Nauticus in Norfolk and the Science Spectrum in Lubbock and the use of weather kiosks, attracting large segments of the general population.