Trends and Variability in Long-term Precipitation over the Mississippi Region
Trends and Variability in Long-term Precipitation over the Mississippi Region

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Trends and Variability in Long-term Precipitation over the Mississippi Region
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Variations in precipitation over the Mississippi region including Gulf Coast are affected due to severe weather events and large-scale circulations throughout the year (example: flooding, sea-breeze circulations, tropical cyclones/hurricanes, QBO and ENSO events etc.). In the present study we investigate trends and variability in precipitation over the Mississippi region using long-term data for the period, 1871-2004. The study has pointed out a positive trend, seasonal and inter-annual variability in precipitation. The QBO and ENSO effects have also been noticed. The observed variations in precipitation are important for long-range forecasting and agricultural planning.