Verification case studies within the 12km North American land data assimilation system (NLDASE) project

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Recent progress has included the generation of full-domain, 12km forcing files which will be used to drive the offline NLDAS-E system. These forcing files use 12km EDAS/Eta model output data as a data backbone, and include observed precipitation (CPC gage/Stage II Merged, CMAP, and CMORPH) and observed radiation (AGRMET and GOES) products when available. Generation of workstation Eta forecasts over the entire North American domain used by NCEP's operational Eta model, utilizing NASA GSFC's Compaq-Alpha supercomputing platform has also been completed. A 13 day benchmarking effort (May 1-13, 2003), involving the verification of ETA forecasts, centered on the extended tornado outbreak of May 3-11, 2003 has been performed to assess the impact of the use of uncoupled NLDASE land surface states. The use of the uncoupled land surface states is found to have a significant impact on the resulting ETA forecasts. Throughout the 10-day benchmarking period, some verification regions benefited from the use of NLDASE land surface states while others did not. Outputs from several individual forecasts are compared against available observations to address the following questions: How did the ETA model perform for specific cases with and without the use of NLDASE land surface states? Where and how did the use of the offline NLDASE land surface states improve the forecast in some cases and degrade it in others? Which model output fields improved the most and why? Where and when might the traditional forecast verification metrics (e.g. skill scores, root-mean-square error and the like) fail to indicate forecast improvement due to small timing or placement errors? Examples of observational data used in verifying the individual cases include standard surface synoptic/metar reports, upper air profiles from the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive, and NEXRAD Level II/III radar products.
This presentation is intended to compliment the general NLDASE overview presentation given by Brian Cosgrove in the same session and aims to provide specific insights into the qualities of the NLDASE land surface states from select case studies and their associated impacts on the ETA model forecasts. Project data and additional information concerning NLDAS-E can be obtained from