Total Lightning Signatures in Tennessee Valley Thunderstorms
Total Lightning Signatures in Tennessee Valley Thunderstorms

Monday, 30 January 2006
Total Lightning Signatures in Tennessee Valley Thunderstorms
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Total lightning observations taken in Florida, Oklahoma, and Alabama have revealed interesting signatures in the lightning activity trends of severe thunderstorms. Previous studies have found, in some thunderstorms, the trend in total lightning activity exhibits a sharp peak, or lightning jump, prior to severe weather being observed. This study utilizes the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array to investigate such lightning jump signatures in total lightning activity across South Central Tennessee and North Alabama. Doppler radar data is analyzed to help determine which radar parameters or signatures best compliment observed lightning jumps.
Results indicate vertically integrated liquid exhibits a good correlation with total lightning activity, with an average correlation coefficient of 0.75. In some cases examined, lightning jumps occurred as vertical vorticity increased. Thus, vertically integrated liquid and radial shear alongside total lightning data may provide the best insight into storm intensity during the warning-decision making process.