Impact of Using the Urban Canopy Model on the Simulation of the Heat Island of Tokyo
Impact of Using the Urban Canopy Model on the Simulation of the Heat Island of Tokyo

Monday, 30 January 2006: 2:00 PM
Impact of Using the Urban Canopy Model on the Simulation of the Heat Island of Tokyo
A315 (Georgia World Congress Center)
We developed the urban canopy model and incorporated it into the WRF. The modified WRF was applied to simulate the urban heat island in order to estimate the impact of the urban canopy model. The modified WRF reproduced a nocturnal heat island of Tokyo,whereas the standard WRF failed to reproduce well. The result indicates that the urban canopy model can improve the numerical prediction for the local weather,and canopy effects are significant role of the formation of the nocturnal heat island. We are incorporating the urban canopy model into the latest version of the WRF.
[1] Kusaka and Kimura (2004) Thermal effects of urban canyon structure on the nocturnal heat island: Numerical experiment using a mesoscale model coupled with an urban canopy model. J. Appl. Meteor., 43, 1899-1910.
[2] Kusaka and Kimura (2004) Coupling a single-layer urban canopy model with a simple atmospheric model: Impact o urban heat island simulation for an idealized case. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82, 67-80.
[3] Kusaka, Kondo, Kikegawa, and Kimura (2001) A simple single-layer urban canopy model for atmospheric models: Comparison with multi-layer and slab models. Bound.-Layer Meteor., 101, 157-182.