Current Status of Urban Modeling in the Community Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model

Two different approaches were tested in WRF: 1) simply modifying the values of albedo, roughness length, soil thermal properties, and evaporation for the urban landuse in the Noah land surface model (LSM), and 2) coupling a more complex single-layer urban canopy model with the Noah LSM, which considers the 2-D geometry of building and roads to represent the radiation trapping and wind shear in the urban canopy. In this paper, we report recent progress in urban landuse modeling for WRF and recent applications of the WRF/Urban coupled model for driving Computation Fluid Dynamic models. We will especially address the following challenging issues: 1) the degree of complexity of urban modeling that is appropriate for NWP models, 2) the specification of urban landuse characteristic, 3) the initialization of state variables (such as temperature profiles in building roof, wall, and road) required by urban canopy models.