ENSO signal in wind roses across the southeast United States
ENSO signal in wind roses across the southeast United States

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
ENSO signal in wind roses across the southeast United States
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Changes in the wind direction in association with the warm and cold phases of the El Niņo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are identified over the Southeast region of the United States. Wind roses, according to a 12 point compass, are computed for 23 stations, and signs of an ENSO relationship are investigated. Nonparametric statistical tests to determine significant differences in the wind roses are computed for each of the extreme phases of ENSO (warm and cold) relative to the other and to the neutral phase. The results show significant differences in the wind roses between both the extreme ENSO phases and between those and the neutral phase. More study will be conducted as to how this will impact the climate in this region. Knowledge of the ENSO impacts on wind direction can be valuable in forecasting for freezes, architectural developments, aviation and other such entities.