NetCDF-4: software implementing an enhanced data model for the geosciences

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 11:00 AM
NetCDF-4: software implementing an enhanced data model for the geosciences
A412 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Russell K. Rew, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and E. J. Hartnett and J. Caron

Presentation PDF (315.0 kB)

The netCDF data model, data access libraries, and machine independent format are widely used in the creation, access, and sharing of data in the geosciences. HDF5 software, originally developed at NCSA and now maintained by The HDF Group, implements another popular data model, data access libraries, and format for scientific data. Recently developers at Unidata and NCSA have developed netCDF-4, software that implements an enhanced data model and new data access interfaces built over the HDF5 storage layer and format. The resulting software provides compatibility with existing netCDF programs and data, more powerful data modeling abstractions, and features for use in high performance computing such as parallel I/O.

We discuss how the new features are intended to be used, and make recommendations for both data providers and developers who may be considering the use of netCDF-4 for future archives or applications.