Adaptive Observation Strategies with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter

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Here we explore the use of an optimal adaptive method that could be directly derived from the output of the Local Ensemble Kalman Filter (LEKF) (Ott et al, 2004). LEKF is a square root EnKF that does data assimilation over small local patches around each grid point and is thus very parallel and efficient. In these experiments we use only 15 ensemble members, and use different measures of ensemble uncertainty to choose the point of maximum uncertainty where the next adaptive observation should be made. The measures that we use are ensemble forecast spread, largest eigenvalue of the forecast error covariance, and the trace of the forecast error covariance. The simplest strategy, choosing the point at which the ensemble forecast spread is maximum gives the best results, which are significantly better than those obtained in previous studies. A strategy based on minimizing the analysis error at the targeting time, as in the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) approach of Bishop et al. (2001) gives the same results as the LEKF ensemble spread.
We will further explore these different adaptive strategies on the SPEEDY model (Molteni, 2003), which is a primitive equation global model with a simple but complete set of physical parameterizations. We will compare the LEKF-based strategies with the system used at NCEP for operational adaptive observations (ETKF), evaluating these strategies in selecting the optimal flight routes rather than single targets. With this realistic model we will explore the use of interactive adaptive observation strategies for satellite observing systems including “observing 10% of the area to obtain 90% of the impact” as required for future lidar wind instruments. The best strategies to follow for tropical and extratropical adaptive observations, which may be quite different, will be also explored.