Experiments Involving Observations, Real or Hypothetical: Data Impact Tests (Sensitivity of Forecasts to a Particular Source of Observations); Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) Part 1

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 30 January 2006: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
A405 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Host: 10th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
Organizer:  Tracy L. Smith, R/FS1, GSD/ESRL, Boulder, CO
  11:00 AM
Adaptive targeting OSSEs for planning a space-based Doppler Wind Lidar
G. D. Emmitt, Simpson Weather Associates, Charlottesville, VA; and S. A. Wood, S. Greco, M. Masutani, J. Woolen, Z. Toth, and Y. Song
  11:15 AM
The impact of MODIS SST composites on short-term regional forecasts
Katherine M. LaCasse, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and W. M. Lapenta, S. M. Lazarus, M. E. Splitt, G. J. Jedlovec, and S. L. Haines
  11:30 AM
The roles of Observing system simulation experiments at JCSDA and NCEP
Michiko Masutani, EMC, Camp Springs, MD; and J. F. LeMarshall, S. J. Lord, J. S. Woollen, R. Treadon, Y. Song, Z. Toth, and G. D. Emmitt
  11:45 AM
The impact of Terra, Aqua, TRMM, AVHRR, and dropsonde data on Hurricane Lili simulations
Patrick J. Fitzpatrick, Geosystems Research Institute, Stennis Space Center, MS; and Q. Xiao, Y. Lau, S. Bhates, N. Tran, E. Johnson, Y. Li, and X. Zhang
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