Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands (Joint with 6th Symposium on the Urban Environment and Forum on Managing our Physical and Natural Resources)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 1:45 PM-4:30 PM
A312 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Hosts: (Joint between the Sixth Symposium on the Urban Environment; and the AMS Forum: Managing our Physical and Natural Resources: Successes and Challenges )
CoChair:  Sue Grimmond, Kings College, London, United Kingdom
  1:45 PM
Mitigation of urban heat islands - recent progress and future prospects
David J. Sailor, Portland State Univ., Portland, OR
  2:15 PM
Mitigating New York City's Heat Island with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs, and Light Surfaces
Cynthia Rosenzweig, NASA/GISS, New York, NY; and W. Solecki, L. Parshall, S. Gaffin, B. Lynn, R. Goldberg, J. Cox, and S. Hodges
  2:30 PM
Land cover influences on below-canopy temperatures in and near Baltimore, MD
Gordon Heisler, USDA FS, Syracuse, NY; and B. Tao, J. Walton, R. V. Pouyat, R. H. Grant, I. Yesilonis, D. Nowak, K. Belt, and Y. Wang
  3:15 PM
The energetics of urban microclimates
Timothy M. Barzyk, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and J. E. Frederick
  3:30 PM
Heating and cooling degree days in Oklahoma City
Peter K. Hall Jr., Oklahoma Climatological Society, Norman, OK; and J. B. Basara
  3:45 PM
Urban heat islands and environmental impact
Suryadevara Sachi Devi, Andhra Univ., Visakhapatnam, India
  4:00 PM
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall

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