Friday, 11 August 2000: 11:15 AM
The surface layer of the atmospheric marine PBL is frequently thermally
stratified, which further compounds our difficulty in understanding
small scale air-sea interaction mechanisms. In order to explore the
interaction between stratified turbulence and water waves, we have
conducted a series of direct and large-eddy simulations of stratified
Couette flow over prescribed moving surface waves. Simulation results
will be presented that highlight the interaction between waves and
stratified turbulence. Mean profiles, turbulence statistics, flow
visualization, and form stress variations will be shown as function of
wave age and stratification. In this study both unstable and stable
stratification will be considered. One of the new results we have
found is that the signature of the waves is more pronounced in stably
stratified flows. In addition, we will compare these new results with
our prior simulations of neutrally stratified flow.