Friday, 11 August 2000: 11:00 AM
The dynamics of near-surface streaks in the neutrally stratified,
rotating planetary boundary layer (PBL) are investigated using large
eddy simulation (LES). Streaks are regions of alternating high and low
speed fluid organized into nearly linear bands oriented up to ~30 deg
relative to the surface isobars which evolve through a continuous
cycle of generation, growth, decay and reformation. The primary
horizontal wavelength of the streaks is on the order of several
hundred meters and they extend from the surface layer into the lower
portion of the outer PBL. We compare the LES results to the
theoretical prediction of Foster (1997) who proposed that streaks are
associated with non-normal mode 'optimal' perturbations. We find that
the early stages of streak formation and growth are consistent with
the linear theory of Foster (1997). We also report evidence of important
nonlinear dynamics during the later stages of the streak lifecycle.