Observations taken at the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) site indicate that clouds can profoundly impact the surface energy balance through radiative effects. Under certain conditions, convective plumes emanating from leads have been observed to contribute to cloud development. Depending upon lead size and ambient atmospheric conditions, the convective plumes and associated clouds may penetrate to varying depths. For example, the plumes from large leads which form in relatively quiescent conditions may penetrate to depths of over a kilometer while smaller leads tend to produce relatively shallow plumes on the order of one to two hundred meters. The ambient stability and wind profiles are additional factors that tend to modulate plume depth.
We employ a two-dimensional cloud resolving model (CRM) in an attempt to better understand the effects that enhanced small-scale surface fluxes have upon the large-scale atmosphere. Numerous types of observations from the SHEBA project have been used as the basis for an idealized clear-sky mid-winter case. Under these conditions an extremely stable surface layer is observed (i.e., a 10 K increase in temperature over the lowest 250 m). When simulating a 3.2 km wide lead under these idealized conditions, a surface based ice cloud was seen to propagate over 25 kilometers downwind. Similar cloud features have also been observed at the SHEBA site near active leads, though the source of these cloud features has not yet been established.