Saturday, 12 August 2000: 2:00 PM
We study an Arctic stable cloudy boundary layer observed
over the SHEBA (Surface HEat Budget in the Arctic)
ice camp on 23 July 1998 during the
FIRE (First ISCCP [International Satellite Cloud Climatology
Project] Regional Experiment) ACE (Arctic Clouds Experiment)
using a large eddy simulation (LES) model. The cloud layer was
surface based and located in a stable boundary
layer below 250 m height, which is characterized by strong wind shear
and a pronounced temperature inversion.
Our simulations indicate that the model is able to provide reasonable
mean profiles of the horizontal wind, temperature, humidity and cloud
liquid water compared to those observed by aircraft,
radiosonde and surface tower.
The budget of turbulent kinetic energy is analyzed based on our LES. Wind shear generates the turbulent kinetic energy within the cloud layer, while the buoyancy and viscous are the dominant energy sink. Sensitivity experiments also suggest that the turbulence of this boundary layer is driven primarily by wind shear.