The analysis shows that strong spectral peaks occur in the meteorological and flux density records at periods of 12 and 24 hours. At the synoptic time scale (3 to 10 days) numerous, but ill-distinguished, spectral peaks and gaps are identified. These are a consequence of the passage of weather fronts that alter available sunlight and temperature experienced by the ecosystem. A pronounced spectral gap is associated with periods three to four weeks long. Finally, a broad spectral peak occurs in the spectral band with periods ranging between three and six months due to seasonal changes in weather and plant functionality.
Multi-scale interactions between CO2 flux density and sunlight, air temperature and latent heat flux density were identified using co-spectral and phase angle analysis. Temporal variations in CO2 flux densities are in phase with changes in light, air temperature and latent heat exchange on annual and seasonal time scales. On the monthly to weekly time scales, instances occur when changes in CO2 flux density leads and lags variations of incident sunlight, air temperature and latent heat exchange. On a daily time scale, variations in CO2 flux density are in phase with variations in sunlight. The phase relation between CO2 flux density and air temperature is a function of whether the plants are active or dormant.
Spectral analysis was also used to test the parameterization and application of an air-surface exchange model across a spectrum of time scales. We compared the spectra of field measurements and computations that were generated with the CANOAK model. During a year with adequate soil moisture, there was good correspondence between spectral peaks and gaps detected by measurements and model computations, by a model that considers temporal dynamics in leaf area and photosynthetic capacity.