Conclusions were drawn but must be considered as tentative due to the screening-level character of this study. For the agricultural area, mercury mass balance is characterized by the intensive exchange of mercury between atmosphere and ground surface. Atmospheric deposition of divalent mercury is the main source. Deposited mercury displays a strong tendency to be remobilized into the atmosphere as elemental mercury formed by the reduction of divalent mercury in the surface soil. Transport flux via runoff reflects the collective influence and interaction of the various hydrological, agroclimatological, land cover and scale characteristics of the field. In the wetland areas, the major source of mercury is from direct atmospheric deposition while the major sink is to the underlying soils; mercury evasion and downstream drainage are minor mass balance components. Periphyton and macrophytes are important agents in sequestering open water mercury in the wetland and depositing it to the soil. There is no discernible seasonal response to weather conditions and atmospheric loadings in the predicted soil mercury. The predicted wetland open water response is, however, strongly seasonal, with a minimum in spring (dry season loads, high vegetation) and a maximum in summer (wet season loads, low vegetation). Finally, in terms of lanscape accumulation of airborne deposited mercury, results showed that mercury increases in concentration from background, asymptotically approaching close to steady-state levels in about 50 years, for both the agricultural and the wetland soils.
It is expected that the integration of the ongoing model development, monitoring, and process studies will lead to more-predictive models, and therefore to advances in scientific understanding of dynamics of airborne deposited mercury in the South Florida Everglades.