Because of great physiological meaning of free radicals for the human organism, one of the most important factors is free radical production during many pathological process. This opus is included part of the researching of the influences of outer conditions as a risk factor of increasing of the number of free radicals.
Method: There were taken samples of blood from the group of examiners (10 people between 20-30 years age) who were outside, on a exact determine location, at the stabile atmospheric conditions (these results for the number of free radical, later will be used as a control). Following the weather forecast, in a conditions of coming cyclone, the procedure of blood taking from the same group of examiners, on the same location, was repeated. The samples of blood were taken every for hours during the cyclone passing. All the parameters for the numbers of free radicals were registered as data of meteorological changes were.
Results: When the results were calculated and shown tabular and graphic, it was very obviously to notice the outer influences of the weather changes against the increasing of the number of free radicals. The experiment was repeated several times with the follow result: the fast increasing of the number of free radicals is followed by the fast weather changes. The number of free radicals is as bigger as the changes of outer conditions are bigger (the changes of meteorological parameters). Our final conclusion is that weather exposing of the organisms is hastening the process of ageing