P1.8 The effect of the of the global atmospheric circulation changes on the regional climate and climate of the cities in the Ukraine.

Thursday, 17 August 2000
Vazira F. Martazinova, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kiev, Ukraine; and M. B. Barabash and T. A. Sverdlik

The problem of the influence of the global atmospheric circulation change on the regional climate and climate of cities of the Ukraine is considered. The analysis of the Northern Hemisphere troposphere temperature, pressure and precipitation fields and temperature records of 18 cities of the Ukraine for 1900-1998 was carried out by Department of the Climate Research and Long-Range Weather Forecasting of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute. It was shown that the regional climate of the Central and Eastern Europe undergoes changes in recent 30 years comparatively with preceding decades. The stable displacement of the centres action (CA) in all seasons to east at 20o was observed at recent decades. The anomalous weather conditions were connected with this shift of CA . It resulted in the warm winters in the Europe caused by shift of the Siberian maximum to east. The change of the regional atmospheric circulation resulted in transformation of the winds energetic zones in the Ukraine. The climate changes of the cities of the Ukraine follow the changes of the regional climate. The winter temperature increased whereas summer decreased. Because of the urbanization till 1986 temperature of large cities exceeded the regional temperature from 0.3 to 0.5 o C for different cities. After 1986 the economical crisis in the Ukraine resulted in diminishing by one half of this difference. We conclude that present regional climate shapes main features of the city climate.
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