Our model is based on solving the three-dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations. The basic numerical algorithm is composed of an innovative finite element approach to accurately represent complex building shapes and a fully implicit projection method for efficient time integration. In order to model the turbulence processes accurately, we have implemented a nonlinear (cubic) eddy viscosity and a large eddy simulation turbulence submodels. In addition, our model physics includes UV radiation decay, aerosol effects, surface energy budget, and tree canopy parameterization. Our model has been developed to run on both the serial and massively parallel computer platforms.
We have performed model validations using, among others, the tow-tank experimental data obtained from flow and dispersion past a cubical building and also similar data around a 2-D array of buildings in a wind tunnel. Despite the relatively simple geometry of the buildings, these experiments exhibited the essential features usually observed in full-scale building flows. Therefore laboratory experiments can provide very useful data sets for validating our model.
In this paper, we will describe briefly the salient features of our model, present results from a model-data comparison using the above data sets, and discuss the performance of the turbulence submodels that have been tested.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-ENG-48.