The importance of developing tools to assess the impact of different sources on the ozone concentration constitutes an important topic today in relation to air quality management on urban and surrounding areas. The present contribution uses a complex mesoscale air quality model (ANA) - which stands for Atmospheric mesoscale numerical pollution model for regional and urban Areas - to evaluate the impact of different sources on the ozone levels. The domain study corresponds with 80 x 100 km over the Madrid city. The ANA model is composed by a non-hydrostatic mesoscale meteorological model REMEST (which is based on the MEMO model (University of Karlsruhe, 1994) and MM5 model (Pennsylvania State University/ National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR)) and a chemical model CHEMA which uses different chemical solvers for different chemical mechanisms. CHEMA is capable to run the chemical mechanism with SMVGEAR technique or QSSA (for slow species) and Runge-Kutta (second order) for fast species following Guthrie et al. 1995. The model uses the deposition parameterization following Wesely (1989) and Erisman et al. (1994). The landuse types are obtained from the Fraunhofer Institute (IFU) based on the CORINAIR Data Base and the altimetry is obtained from the GTOPO global data base with 30'' spatial resolution. Visualization of results is performed by using the VIS5D and PAVE software visualization tools. The model uses the Sillman (1995) approach to evaluate the periods of time where the ozone is NOx-limited or VOC-limited to take actions to reduce the ozone levels in a prognostic mode. The model also presents results for an experimental period of time (Summer, 1999, Madrid) by aplying the OSAT techniques (Ozone Source Apportionment Approaches) at different Madrid domain regions. Finally the model present results for sensitivity ozone impact for a specific source by re-running the model with and without such a source. In our case the impact of traffic over the Madrid model domain is study by analyzing the impact of traffic emissions with and without the traffic flow over the Madrid Municipality domain and the surrounding area