17.4 Influence of microclimatic characteristics on the use of outdoor public spaces

Friday, 18 August 2000: 4:30 PM
Aïcha Boussoualim, School of Architecture of Toulouse, Toulouse, France

The influence of environmental factors on social practices and user’s behaviors is well known. Several environmental aspects related particularly to intense exploitation of the resources (pollution, noise...) as well as the attitudes developed towards these problems have been studied. On the other hand, the incidence of microclimatic characteristics of public outspaces on user's behaviors (way and nature of use, frequency of activities...) is seldom studied. In our study, we work at the district scale and more precisely at the public outspace level, to check the impact of urban microclimatic characteristics on the way and the frequency of the use and the type of activity involved.

We carry out a comparison of the results of investigation and some video observations of users and their activities, with a physical evaluation of climatic environment (measurement of parameters such as temperature and solar radiation, lighting, wind and moisture). By the video observation and the investigation, we try to identify spaces where people are carrying their stops, in order to locate sites which are often occupied, and thereafter, to define for which type of activity. We verify if these sites constitute permanent attractions or support dense but temporary concentrations. We examine also if the spatial distribution of the users and tthe activities induces variations according to spaces microclimatic variations, and if occupied spaces in a permanent way show specific microclimatic characteristics. This work ways to introduce some elements which make possible to understand how urban microclimate takes part in the relation between user and public outspace, and to provide results witch help in planning of public outspaces which will be more adapted to user’s needs.

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