Monday, 15 July 2002
Statistical analysis of the clouds diurnal evolution in the PBL
The statistical analysis is focused on the investigation of the self-affine and multi-affine properties (and their diurnal variation) of cloud base height data records. The data, used in the paper are measured during two programs: the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) held in June 1992, at the Azores Islands for marine BL and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program of the Department of Energy - the Southern Great Plains (SGP) (Oklahoma, USA) for continental BL. The scaling ranges of time correlations in the cloud base height records of boundary layer startus/stratocumulus clouds are studied, applying the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis statistical method [1]. We found that time dependent variations in the evolution of the similarity parameter (a)reflect the diurnal dynamics of cloud base height fluctuations in the both types of boundary layer - marine and continental. The generalized dimensions [2,3], determining the intermittency of the signals are studied. The multi-affine properties, described by h(g) functions [4,5,6] are determined also. The results are oriented toward the understanding, modeling and predicting the dynamical behavior of the cloud base evolution, governed by the boundary layer dynamics.
References: [1] C.-K. Peng, S.V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, M. Simons, H.E. Stanley and A. Goldberger, Phys. Rev. E 49, 1685 (1994). [2] P. Grassberger, Phys. Lett. A, 97, 227, (1983). [3] H.G.E. Hentschel, I. Procąccia, Physica D, 8, 435, (1983). [4] N. Vandewalle, M. Ausloos, Eur. Phys. J. B 4, 257 (1998). [5] T.C. Helsey, M.H. Jensen, L.P. Kadanoff, I. Procaccia and B.I. Shraiman, Phys. Rev. A 33, 1141 (1986). [6] A.-L. Barabasi, P. Szepfalusy and T. Viscek, Physica A 178, 17 (1991).
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