16th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence

Poster Session 2

 Mesoscale to microscale
 P2.1A unified parameterization scheme of moist process in the atmospheric boundary layer  extended abstract
Akira Noda, Tohoku University, Aramaki, Miyagi, Japan; and T. Iwasaki
 P2.2Simulation of sound propagation through high-resolution atmospheric boundary layer turbulence fields  extended abstract
D. Keith Wilson, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH; and N. P. Symons, E. G. Patton, P. P. Sullivan, D. H. Marlin, D. F. Aldridge, V. E. Ostashev, S. A. Ketcham, E. L. Andreas, and S. L. Collier
 P2.3Comparison of pollution events during the ESCOMPTE 2001 campaign: sea-breeze and synoptic wind conditions (formerly paper 3.2)  extended abstract
Aurore Brut, Laboratoire d'Aérologie, Campistrous, France; and F. Saïd, C. Moppert, V. Puygrenier, B. Campistron, and P. Perros

Tuesday, 10 August 2004: 5:30 PM-5:30 PM, Casco Bay Exhibit Hall

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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