Session 7.3 Variability of turbulence in the low-level nocturnal jet during CASES-99

Thursday, 12 August 2004: 8:45 AM
Vermont Room
Rod G. Frehlich, University of Colorado/CIRES, Boulder, CO; and Y. Meillier, M. L. Jensen, and B. B. Balsley

Presentation PDF (179.7 kB)

In situ temperature and velocity spectra of atmospheric turbulence obtained from sensors suspended below a stable kite platform yield accurate high-resolution measurements of the temperature structure constant and the energy dissipation rate. The statistical description of the variability of these small scale turbulence metrics below the nose of a nocturnal low level jet during CASES-99 are presented. These include the probability density function and the spatial spectrum from multiple sensor packages as well as comparison with redictions of turbulence theory.
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