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This discussion and reasoning are supported by both data from measurements and large-eddy simulation, including our recent high-resolution (2563 grid points) numerical experiment, using both Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to investigate the entrainment law. We use our high-resolution simulation to analyze the mixed-layer dynamics from a deterministic (organized structure identification) and statistical point of view (1D and 2D spatial as well as temporal spectra) and characterize the destabilization mechanism of the interfacial layer. We found that the mixed layer may be regarded as locally homogeneous and isotropic and that the Taylor's (1938) hypothesis holds, based on the horizontal mean flow and the vertical velocity of the convective cells. A particle dispersion approach using LES coupled with a Lagrangian stochastic model is also used to investigate the entrainment law. The Froude number squared dependence of the dimensionless entrainment rate, with a multiplicative constant of order 1.2, is retrieved.
These results may help to suggest entrainment parameterization that work well at the interface and may also have applications for remote sensing of the mixed-layer top (for instance to compute the entrainment velocity proceeding from a particle dispersion approach).