The netCDF (Network Common Data Form) data storage standard and its associated Climate and Forecast conventions (CF; netCDF-CF) have served the atmospheric science community quite well for decades. Many organizations have applied these frameworks to the problem of StatPP. Unfortunately, these organizations have settled on a variety of solutions with limited success in interoperability. This presentation will propose an application profile of netCDF-CF that can address these interoperability problems. We do not expect these standards to replace GRIB2 (FM 92 GRIB Edition 2) and BUFR (Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data) as the data encoding methods of choice for the exchange of operational meteorological data between meteorological services. Rather, we expect these standards to enhance data archival and sharing throughout the weather enterprise. Compliant data files will also contain sufficient metadata to document the specific StatPP processes used in their generation.
This presentation will propose conventions for encoding the binary data of WISPS as well as introducing tools that facilitate the use of these conventions. The proposal includes a standardized vocabulary, and techniques to represent it in metadata. We emphasize the use of pre-existing standards from the International Standards Organization (ISO), Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Since these efforts focus on ancillary variables and metadata, the techniques can be applied to HDF and other data-encoding tools.