J11.1 Simulation of historical stratospheric temperature trends by the GFDL coupled atmosphere-ocean models

Friday, 17 June 2005: 10:30 AM
Ballroom D (Hyatt Regency Cambridge, MA)
M. Daniel Schwarzkopf, NOAA/GFDL, Princeton, NJ; and V. Ramaswamy

Historical (1861-present) stratospheric temperature trends have been simulated using the GFDL coupled atmosphere-land-ocean models (CM2.0 and CM2.1). Forcing agents include well-mixed greenhouse gases (WMGGs), tropospheric and stratospheric ozone, tropospheric aerosols, solar insolation, volcanoes and changes in land cover. Multi-member ensembles are employed to assess the effects of model variability. The relative roles of the forcing agents are explored in additional historical simulations with natural, anthropogenic and WMGG+ozone changes. Recent (1979 to present) stratospheric temperature trends from the simulations are compared with observations and with results from previous simulations using the GFDL atmospheric model (AM2).
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