Inquiring about the Earth system through elementary student investigations (Centre Greene Building 1, Room 3131)
Becca Hatheway, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and L. Gardiner, S. Henderson, M. LeMone, and K. Zarlengo
This workshop will show how to combine storybooks with hands-on activities to jump-start scientific inquiry in elementary classrooms. It will profile a unit called Elementary GLOBE, an Earth system science (ESS) resource for K-2 students that includes storybooks and learning activities. Elementary GLOBE addresses ESS and related topics, including clouds, seasons, hydrology, and soils. The science content in the books and activities serves as a springboard to GLOBE's scientific protocols, and also provides students with a meaningful introduction to technology, a basic understanding of the methods of inquiry, and connections to math and literacy skills.
The Elementary GLOBE storybooks portray kids asking questions about the natural world, doing science investigations, and exploring the world around them. Through the storybook characters, scientific inquiry is modeled for young learners. The associated learning activities provide opportunities for students to practice science inquiry and investigation skills, including observation, recording, measuring, etc. Students will also gain exposure and increase their comfort with different tools that scientists use. The learning activities give students experiences with asking questions, conducting scientific investigations, and scientific journaling.
This workshop will provide an opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, explore the storybooks, and discuss strategies for introducing science inquiry to young students. The workshop will focus on the ESS and Cloud modules of the Elementary GLOBE unit. Participants will be able to view the books and delve into the hands-on activities using guided inquiry techniques.
The materials covered in this workshop (including the storybooks) are available as free downloads on the GLOBE web site (www.globe.gov/elementaryglobe), and participants will receive handouts and CDs they can use in the classroom right away! The GLOBE Program brings together students, teachers, and scientists with the basic goals of increasing scientific understanding of the Earth, supporting improved student achievement in science and math, and enhancing environmental awareness. NASA provides the primary source of funding for GLOBE, www.globe.gov.
Workshops Session 10, Hands-on Workshop #2
Thursday, 6 July 2006, 1:30 PM-3:30 PM
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