Learning to Interpret Colors on a Radar Image
Celeste Lehrer, St. Mary/St. Michael School, Cato, WI
+The poster titled Learning To Interpret Colors On a Radar Map in the Kindergarten Classroom will present teaching strategies and materials used by me in introducing young learners to basic science and math. These concepts are learned by studying weather and interpreting weather radar maps. The poster will include pictures and examples of the work of the kindergarten students observing, recording and interpreting data.
The kindergarten class makes and records daily weather observations. The children record temperature, weather conditions and make simple predictions. The children are shown examples of maps that show how color is use to indicate precipitation intensity. They learn to understand different scales of maps, in examples how national maps compare to state maps. This information is recorded by the children in many different formats. They use charts, graphs, maps and drawings to help communicate their observations.
These activities bring about awareness about the weather, types of precipitation and radar. They often see radar images on television during severe weather and these lessons bring about an understanding of what radar tells us. They discuss what the weather was like at their homes and how it was different when they arrived at school. They begin to understand that weather is different everywhere. They even begin to discuss how they should describe the weather. Was it drizzling, pouring down rain or just misting? They are beginning to learn how to accurately describe the different types of weather and accurately make simple measurements.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Tuesday, 4 July 2006, 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Millennium Room
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