New Resources for Schools: Multi–Agency Educational Initiatives of the Royal Meteorological Society
V. Aldridge, Roseburn Primary School, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom; and O. Bray
The poster session will give us the opportunity to display the output of two major initiatives of the Education Committee of the Royal Meteorological Society working in partnership with other agencies.
1. “The Science of Weather: A Resource for Primary Schools” published by City of Edinburgh Council, 2005.
Lower Primary ( ages 5/6) – Season, Winds Middle Primary ( ages 7/8/9) – Clouds, Precipitation, Temperature Upper Primary (ages 10/11) – Humidity, Tornadoes, Climate Change, Pressure. Special Case Study – Ben Nevis.
These materials have been trailed in a number of schools and are presently being rolled out through programmes of teacher continued professional development.
2. Weather and Meteorology for Secondary Schools
The aim of the Scottish Schools Weather Project is to provide a multimedia learning resource to support teachers, students and their families. The resource will consist of a DUD that will contain a number of high quality, adaptable, copyright free, and user friendly resources to support all areas or the school curriculum. The DUD will contain a number of video files, a downloadable weather log, a set of web links and a number of weather thinking skills exercises. Specific resources will target different parts of the secondary school curriculum. Each area will consist of resources including PowerPoint presentations and web links. The DUD will be distributed to all Scottish schools. Some of the resources contained within the DUD will be available on-line. The web site for the project will be hosted at www.scottishschoolsweather.co.uk
Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Tuesday, 4 July 2006, 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Millennium Room
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