GLOBE clouds online teaching module
Susan M. Gallagher, The GLOBE Program, Boulder, CO, CO; and M. A. LeMone, K. Meymaris, S. Sikora, and B. Hatheway
Experience clouds and contrails online with this interactive and engaging new module designed for the GLOBE Cloud Protocols. The online teaching modules are designed to help GLOBE trainers and teachers review GLOBE protocols in an interactive and exciting way. The modules each contain information on science content, procedures and data analysis, as well as practical information about inquiry-based classroom implementation of the specific protocol. Teachers can build a plan to implement the use of the protocol in an inquiry-based lesson format using hints and tips provided in the module. The Clouds Online Teaching module evaluation indicated that it was successful in increasing users' knowledge of both background science information and their ability to teach the protocol in their classroom. Users also reported that they would recommend the online teaching module to others and viewed future online teaching modules covering different GLOBE protocols as helpful. The online format was well received and used internationally by the GLOBE community. The GLOBE Program is an international inquiry-based program designed to engage teachers with their students in partnership with research scientists to better understand the environment at local, regional, and global scales. The GLOBE Program is managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and Colorado State University with funding from NASA, NSF, and the Department of State.
Session 15, GLOBE activities
Friday, 7 July 2006, 12:45 PM-2:15 PM, Centre Greene Building 1, Auditorium
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