Seventh International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic Education

Session 15


GLOBE activities

  Chairperson: Roberta M. Johnson, UCAR, Boulder, Colorado
12:45 PM15.1The Next Generation GLOBE Program: Promoting Collaborations between Cutting-edge Earth System Science Research Projects and Student Investigations of the Environment  
Edward E. Geary, UCAR Office of Programs, Boulder, CO
1:00 PM15.2GLOBE education: supporting student research in the classroom  
Sandra Henderson, UCAR/GLOBE, Boulder, CO; and S. Gallagher, S. Sikora, and K. Meymaris
1:15 PM15.3GLOBE clouds online teaching module  
Susan M. Gallagher, The GLOBE Program, Boulder, CO, CO; and M. A. LeMone, K. Meymaris, S. Sikora, and B. Hatheway
1:30 PM15.4Determining Light Pollution of the Global Sky: GLOBE at Night  
Kirsten Meymaris, UCAR, Boulder, Colorado; and S. Henderson, S. Gallagher, D. L. Ward, R. Russell, and D. Salisbury
1:45 PM15.5The GLOBE malaria project: a unique student/teacher/scientist partnership  extended abstract
Rebecca A. Boger, GLOBE, Boulder, CO; and D. Brooks and A. Rafalimanana
2:00 PMCoffee Break  

Friday, 7 July 2006: 12:45 PM-2:15 PM, Centre Greene Building 1, Auditorium

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