Ocean Literacy through US Science Standards
Beth Jewell, NOAA Office of Education, Washington, DC; and S. Schoedinger and C. McDougall
Ocean sciences were left out of the National Science Education Standards and most state standards, resulting in a decline in the public's attention to ocean issues. National Geographic Society, COSEE, NMEA, NOAA and the US Commission on Ocean Policy have all called for the inclusion of the ocean in science standards as a means to increase ocean literacy nationwide. Come review, comment on and contribute to the resulting documents and discuss strategy for next steps in our efforts to turn the tide
Session Content and activities: Ocean sciences were left out of the National Science Education Standards and most state standards, resulting in a decline in the public's attention to ocean issues. National Geographic Society, COSEE, NMEA, NOAA and the US Commission on Ocean Policy have all called for the inclusion of the ocean in science standards as a means to increase ocean literacy nationwide. There has never been consensus, however, about what ocean literacy is and what concepts should be included in standards to achieve it. The Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts have been developed. Presently we are developing the scope and sequence for this document.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Tuesday, 4 July 2006, 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Millennium Room
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