7D.2 Role of biometeorology in development and implementation of adaptation strategies

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: 2:00 PM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Tanja Cegnar, Slovenian Environment Agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Climate change impacts can be observed already today and according to IPCC report are expected to increase in future. Impacts of climate change vary across continents and countries depending on climate, geographic and socioeconomic conditions. Because projected effects of climate change are serious and potentially very costly for, adaptation is necessary to minimise negative impacts resulting from current and expected climate change, and in order to maximise our ability to benefit from any opportunities that climate change may bring. In April 2013, the European Commission adopted an EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change to encourage all Member States to adopt comprehensive adaptation strategies. The most vulnerably sectors are agriculture, water management, human health, tourism, energy, forestry, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction and spatial planning. In all these sectors biometeorology can provide valuable information. To enable well informed and timely adaptation to climate change up-to-date, reliable and targeted information and data are necessary. Contribution of biometeorological science can be significant in all the above listed sectors.
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