7D.3 Evaluating Adaptation Strategies for Extreme Weather: Cooling Center Utilization and Accessibility in Phoenix, AZ

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: 2:15 PM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
David M. Hondula, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ; and A. Asburry, D. Bentz, V. Berisha, K. Goodin, M. Luc, M. McCullough, A. Mohamed, M. C. Roach, B. Salas, K. Starr, and J. Uebelherr

Extreme heat is a significant public health concern in municipalities across the globe and especially so in the Phoenix metropolitan area, one of the hottest large cities in the United States. Access to cool environments, even for a few hours, has been shown to be protective in reducing heat related death and illness. Publicly-available cooling centers have the potential to reduce heat risk to those who cannot afford to cool their homes or do not have cool spaces in which to seek refuge. The Phoenix Heat Relief Network was founded in 2005 by the City of Phoenix and Maricopa Association of Governments in response to excessive heat-related mortality among the homeless population. Each summer, the network recruits local public and private facilities to serve as cooling centers and water donation and distribution sites to combat public health concerns related to heat. To date, however, there is minimal knowledge or data available to understand the role the network as an adaptation strategy for coping with extreme weather. In summer 2014, the Maricopa County Department of Health, Arizona Department of Health Services, and Arizona State University implemented an evaluation of the Phoenix Heat Relief Network cooling center sites to document the sites' utilization, services offered, and the public and private resources needed to operate the network. Initial results from three separate instruments are discussed: in-depth interviews with managers of cooling center facilities, paper surveys of cooling center visitors, and observational data collected by members of the evaluation team. Information collected from the evaluation campaign identifies best practices for the establishment of heat relief networks in other counties and opportunities for future improvements in Maricopa County, highlights effective communication strategies for dissemination of intervention activities, and informs the strategic climate and health adaptation plan for the state of Arizona.
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