Session 12a Applications of Climate Data in Agriculture (Parallel with Sessions 12B and 13)

Friday, 12 May 2000: 8:00 AM-10:48 AM
Host: 12th Conference on Applied Climatology
Kenneth G. Hubbard, High Plains Climate Center, Lincoln, NE

8:00 AM
An Increased Incidence of Wet Years Over the Coterminous United States During 1973–1999
Steven A. Mauget, USDA/ARS, Lubbock, TX; and D. R. Upchurch

8:20 AM
Cotton environmental stress during the South Carolina growing season
Dale E. Linvill, Clemson University, Clemson, SC

8:40 AM
Past and potential future impacts of climate on crop production in the great lakes region
Jeffrey A. Andresen, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; and G. Alagarswamy and J. T. Ritchie

9:00 AM
Climate Impacts on Corn Yield in the North American Corn Belt
Qi Hu, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and G. Buyanovsky and X. Tao

9:20 AM
Increasing growing-season length in Illinois as an indicator of climatic change
Scott M. Robeson, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

9:40 AM
10:01 AM
Chill-hours climatology for the southeastern United States
D. E. Stooksbury, State Climatology Office of Georgia, Athens, GA; and P. L. Davis, R. Weikel, and S. Baker

10:21 AM
Coffee Break

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner