A comparison is made between the surface fluxes on diurnal, synoptic and intraseasonal time scales. In general, it is found that the fluxes in the EIO show considerably more variability than the fluxes in the WPO. Although the net flux into the ocean average over a long period of time is much the same in the two warm pools, the temporal variability is very different. Special attention is given to the differences in the fluxes during active and inactive (break) periods of the monsoon. Only during one period of the TOGA COARE (November 1991) is there similar strong heating of the ocean as found during break periods of the monsoon.
Finally, comparisons are made between the fluxes found in TOGA COARE with the COADS data set, and those generated in NCEP/NCAR and ECMWF reanalyses. Monthly averaged COADS data cannot resolve the intraseasonal variability of the flux variability. However, numerical estimates show far less intraseasonal variability of fluxes probably due , in part, to the use of smoothed sea-surface temperature products.