In this study, the evolution and structure of flanking lines and the processes supporting these lines is investigated using a three-dimensional nonhydrostatic cloud model containing ice microphysics. A control simulation is integrated for five hours. This simulation develops a distinct flanking line 45 minutes into the simulation, coinciding with the development of the cold pool. The flanking line exhibits a "stair-stepped" appearance which is commonly observed in the field, and which is supported by theory. The flanking line remains a distinct feature throughout the simulation, and preliminary results indicate that convection initiated along the flanking line near the main updraft is involved in the splitting of the main supercell three hours into the integration. Regions of enhanced vertical vorticity propagate along the flanking line away from the updraft, and the processes forcing these vortices and their effect on storm morphology are investigated.
In addition to the control simulation, simulations with varied environmental soundings are investigated. Preliminary results indicate that supercell morphology is changed dramatically when a weak inversion is included above the mixed layer, and also when the amount of environmental moisture at low and mid levels is changed a fair amount. In some cases, a flanking line is not observed at all. The reasons for this will be studied in light of the fact that many supercells are associated observationally with flanking lines.
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