Poster Session 2 |
| Mesoscale Data Assimilation for numerical weather prediction and research applications—with Coffee Break |
| | P2.1 | Assimilation of multi-sensor Rainfall Observations for Improved Quantitative Prediction Forecasts S. Q. Peng, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and X. Zou |
| | P2.2 | Mesoscale numerical models and field observation platforms to evaluate airborne transport of hazardous substances in the boundary layer Arthur L. Doggett IV, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; and T. E. Gill, C. B. Chang, and R. E. Peterson |
| | P2.3 | Using improved background error covariances from an ensemble Kalman filter for targeted observations Thomas M. Hamill, NOAA/ERL/CDC and CIRES, Boulder, CO; and C. Snyder |
| | P2.4 | Mesoscale Stochastic—Dynamic Weather Prediction for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games Andrew J. Siffert, NOAA/CIRP and Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and D. J. Onton and W. J. Steenburgh |
| | P2.5 | Numerical simulations of hurricane Bret (21-23 August 1999) observed by TRMM Olivier Nuissier, CNRS, Toulouse, France; and F. Roux and N. Viltard |
| | P2.6 | Preliminary results of the GPS PW assimilation in to a limited-area model: A case study for IOP8 MAP/SOP Claudia Faccani, Univ. of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy; and R. Ferretti, C. Scairretta, R. Pacione, F. Vespe, and G. Visconti |
| | P2.7 | Simulation of Hurricane Bret fluxes and impact of high resolution satellite-derived SSTs Loren D. White, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and R. S. Reddy and R. Miller |
| | P2.8 | The impact of initial data and analysis methods on MM5 forecasts of convective systems James F. Bresch, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. C. Vandenberghe |
| | P2.9 | Analysis of the mesoscale precipitation band associated with the 24-25 January 2000 storm Daryl T. Kleist, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and H. M. Kim and M. C. Morgan |
|  | P2.10 | Ensemble Based Error Covariance Matrices for Mesoscale Variational Data Assimilation M. S. F. V. De Pondeca, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and X. Zou |
| | P2.11 | Assimilation of rain rates using satellite data by a regional spectral model Ana Maria Bueno Nunes, Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil |
| | P2.12 | Comparison of the SSM/I Satellite Observations with MM5 simulations S.-H. Chen, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. C. Vandenberghe, G. Petty, W. Huang, and J. F. Bresch |
| | P2.13 | Influence of surface heterogeneities on boundary layer dynamics and secondary coherent circulations Adrian Marroquin, NOAA/OAR/FSL, Boulder, CO; and R. A. Pielke |