This talk will describe a mesoscale stochastic-dynamic modeling system that provides point-specific forecasts for Olympic outdoor venues and weather-sensitive locations along major transportation corridors. The point-specific forecasts of temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and wind speed and direction are based on MOS-type equations developed using three years of cool-season observations and 12-km grid-spacing forecasts by the Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Reseach Mesoscale Model (MM5). The modeling system thus provides objective guidance at many sites not covered by NGM or AVN MOS. The accuracy of the MM5-based MOS system will be compared to the direct model output and the typical errors produced by NGM and AVN MOS. The strengths and weaknesses of using high-resolution model forecasts to develop MOS-type equations for point-specific forecasts in regions of complex terrain will also be discussed.
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