16th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology

Session 3

 Issues, technology, and applications of IIPS in Modeling and Simulation (Parallel with Sessions 1 & 2)
 Organizer: Commander Dale Liechty, U.S. Navy, Office Chief, Air and Space Natural Environment Modeling and Simulation Agent, Washington, DC
10:30 AM3.1Invited Speaker: Air Force Directorate of Weather's Joint Role as the DoD Modeling and Simulation Executive Agent for Air and Space Natural Environment  
F. P. Lewis
11:00 AM3.2Invited Speaker: Department of Defense Modeling and Simulation: An Introduction to Facets of Environmental Support  
Ronald D. Haynes, Dynamics Research Corp., Scott AFB, IL; and D. Lucas
11:30 AM3.3Advanced Climate Modeling and Environmental Simulations (ACMES): Bringing DoD Climatological Support into the 21st Century  
Matthew K. Doggett, Air Force Combat Climatology Center, Asheville, NC
11:45 AM3.4The Incorporation of High Resolution Climatological Data into Environmental Tactical Decision Aids  
John R. Hummel, ANL, Argonne, IL; and A. P. Campbell, M. L. Kehrer, G. R. Lurie, and K. L. Simunich
12:00 PMLunch Break  
1:30 PM3.5Cloud Impacts For Aggregate Military Simulations Using CSSM Statistics  
Joel B. Mozer, U.S. Air Force Research Lab., Hanscomb AFB, MA; and G. P. Seeley, S. C. Gordon, and D. J. Smalley
1:45 PM3.6The Integrated Ocean Project  
Richard A. Allard, NRL, Stennis Space Center, MS; and K. Miles and M. D. Earle
2:00 PM3.7Providing Physically Consistent Environmental Data In Support of DoD Modeling and Simulation  
Gary B. McWilliams, DoD Modeling and Simulation Executive Agent for the Air and Space Natural Environment, Asheville, NC
2:15 PM3.9The Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange and Specification (SEDRIS)  
Robert M. Cox, SAIC, Orlando, FL; and J. R. Schaefer
2:30 PM3.10The Environmental Scenario Generator  
Steve Lowe, SAIC, Virginia Beach, VA; and E. Kihn and R. Siquig
2:45 PMCoffee Break  
3:15 PM3.11Joint Weather Impact System (JWIS) Architecture  
Bruce Thompson, Air Force Weather, Washington, DC
3:30 PM3.12Visualization Techniques for Applications of High-Resolution Numerical Weather Models  
Lloyd A. Treinish, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY; and Z. D. Christidis
3:45 PM3.13Tools for tailoring the synthetic natural environment  
Peter S. Dailey, Litton/TASC, Inc., Reading, MA; and T. A. Hutchinson and S. O. Ouzts
4:00 PM3.14Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Hazard Prediction Modeling: A New Approach  
Richard B. Bensinger, Litton-TASC, Reading, MA; and J. A. Shorter
4:15 PM3.15The Environmental WorkBench - An Interactive 3D Analysis and Visualization Tool for Meteorology and Environmental Applications  
Dennis A Moon, SSESCO, Inc., Shoreview, MN; and W. A. Lyons

Monday, 10 January 2000: 10:30 AM-4:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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