Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 2:30 PM
George H. Leavesley, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO; and S. L. Markstrom and R. J. Viger
Increasing demands for limited fresh-water supplies, and increasing complexity of water-
management issues, present the water-resource manager with the difficult task of
achieving an equitable balance of water allocation among a diverse group of water
users. The Watershed and River System Management Program (WARSMP) is a
cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) to developed a database-centered, decision-support system to
address these multi-objective, resource-management problems. The decision-support
system couples the USGS Modular Modeling System (MMS) with the BOR RiverWare
tools using a shared relational database. MMS is an integrated system of computer
software that provides a research and operational framework to support the development
and integration of a wide variety of hydrologic and ecosystem models, and their
application to water- and ecosystem-resource management. RiverWare is an object-
oriented reservoir and river-system modeling framework developed to provide tools for
evaluating and applying water-allocation and management strategies.
The modeling capabilities of MMS and Riverware include simulating watershed runoff,
reservoir inflows, and the impacts of resource-management decisions on municipal,
agricultural, and industrial water users, environmental concerns, power generation, and
recreational interests. Forecasts of future climatic conditions are a key component in the
application of MMS models to resource-management decisions. Forecast methods
applied in MMS include a modified version of the National Weather Service's Extended
Streamflow Prediction Program (ESP) and statistical downscaling from atmospheric
models. Enhancement, testing, and evaluation of these forecasting procedures are being
conducted jointly with the development, testing, and application of the full decision-
support system. These efforts are ongoing in the Gunnison River basin, Colorado; San
Juan River basin in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah; Yakima River basin,
Washington; and the Rio Grande basin, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.
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